aj_dyrbye-e1413597680154About AJ Dyrbye

Hello, I’m AJ. Thank you for coming to meet me.

Who am I? I am a person who is goal and curiosity driven, and happiest when regularly presented with a new challenge.

I think in interconnections and optimizations.

I am analytical, detail-oriented, and deeply interested in whys and wherefores.

I love developing websites, taking them from a glimmer of an idea in the client’s eye to a fully functional hub for their organization. These days, I work primarily in WordPress, from developing page content to theme customizations.

How did I get here? My background is in the Digital Humanities, a field that encompasses programming and web development activities with a research focus. I have worked on a variety of digital academic projects in primarily technical capacities ranging from web development, website support, bug testing and user experience development.

I have a course-based grounding in MySQL, PHP,  CSS/CSS3, and web markup including XHTML, HTML5 and a smattering of XML. My Masters thesis included developing a website from the ground up with a modular PHP structure, an underlying database, and parallel XHTML/CSS and HTML5/CSS3 versions.

More generally, I like to make things for fun, whether it’s applying basic chemistry to make soap, manipulating yarn into wearable art, new brain interconnections by keeping up on science news, or working on my latest NaNoWriMo novel. When I’m not making things, I have been know to lift weights and dangle from human-made cliffs.