Technical | General | Software Applications | Other Stuff
For a more general picture of me and my capabilities, please see my About page and Portfolio.
Technical Skills
My technical skills are first and foremost task-oriented, with an emphasis on how diverse parts fit together rather than wizard-level programming. As a whole, my abilities here are best suited to web development oriented applications.
- Programming concepts and applications, such as loops, arrays and object-oriented programming (PHP, some Javascript)
- Basic database design and management (via MySQL and phpMyAdmin)
- Basic Unix command line and SSH processes (primarily via OS X Terminal)
- FTP-based and local server management
- HTML (including XHTML transitional and HTML5) and XML
- Stylesheets (including CSS2, CSS3, and basic device detection/responsive design)
- Dynamic website design via PHP (modular structure integrated utilizing PHP includes)
- Querying and processing MySQL database data via PHP
- WordPress CMS development and management (content creation, user management, widgets, SEO, security, taxonomies).
- WordPress theme customization and development (child themes, CSS, PHP partials/includes)
- Basic website-oriented graphic design
- Metadata development
General Skills
In addition to my technical skills, my background draws from the academic Humanities and non-academic work experience within a major Alberta utility company.
- General computer literacy, including iOS/Windows 8/OS X, including DOS prompt
- Project design and management
- Environmental scans
- Writing, ranging from academic to informal to business
- Research, including synthesis of concepts
- Critical thinking, including big-picture and systems-level thinking
- Public speaking (particularly at academic conferences)
- Customer service (internal and external, including general public)
- Data entry and record tracking
- Office administration
- Event planning and coordination (particularly of training events)
- Alberta land management (particularly right of way encroachment resolution)
Software Applications
I am comfortable with a variety of common software applications, including:
- Microsoft Office Suite (Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Access)
- Apple iWork Suite (Pages, Numbers and Keynote)
- Google Apps (Gmail, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, et al)
- Adobe Apps (Acrobat Professional, PhotoShop, Illustrator)
- FTP programs (such as Fugu or CyberDuck)
- phpMyAdmin
- Programming-oriented text editors (such as TextWrangler)
- WordPress (both as a general-use blogging platform and as a full website content management system)
- Omeka (as a CMS for exhibit development)
- Google Analytics
Other Stuff of Note
I also have experience with the following:
- Conference live-tweeting
- Blogging and blog management
- Fiction writing (NaNoWriMo participant, 2013 and 2014)